What do you know about juicing?

Recommended portions of vegetables for an adult ranges between 2 and 3 cups daily, although, most of us fill our plates with other stuff, leaving our consumption far from ideal. Juicing is one of the easiest and fastest ways to improve your diet, by increasing your fruit and vegetable intake.

When you juice, insoluble fiber is removed, allowing your body to absorb better the phytonutrients and enzimes left in the soluble fiber in the juice.

We have found this website Juice Recipes for your health and we want to invite you to join us in this “30 Days Juicing Challenge” . This challenge is just a kick start for better health. You can continue with your regular eating habits and just add one cup of vegetable juice a day! They provide a recipe a day, so you don’t even need to think about anything!!!

Here is Week 1 Shopping List, so you can get started!!

  • Apples – 18 medium (about 7 lbs)
  • Carrots – 35 medium (about 5 lbs)
  • Celery – 14 stalks (about 2 bunches)
  • Oranges – 4
  • Ginger – 3 inches/thumbs
  • Lemons – 2

We are starting on Monday August 10th!!

More information on Juicing:

Reboot with Joe and Juice Recipes